If you are starting a business in Thailand then you need to know how tax is calculated and how the Thai government views the tax system in Thailand. with regards to income. Speak to our accounting staff for more information.
The first tax we cover is VAT or Value Added Tax in Thailand. This 7% tax is paid by the following person or companies.
- In your business exceed 1,800,000 Baht a year is sales;
- If you are registered for VAT;
- If you import goods in Thailand.
Certain goods do not have VAT added to them. These included but not limited the following on sales to:
- State entities;
- Export goods;
- Provisions for international air and sea operations;
If you need a more detailed explanation then speak to our barrister in Thailand via our tollfree UK telephone number or walk into any of our offices in Thailand to speak to a solicitor. The corporate tax rates in Thailand is based on net profits and this is calculated as follows:
- 15% of the first 1 million baht
- 25% if it is between 1 and 3 million baht per year;
- 30% flat rate for anyone over 3 million baht a year in corporate profits.
If you require more tax advice or information about the taxation system in Thailand then speak to us live online, via our tollfree telephone number or simply walk into any of our offices in Thailand.
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